Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fun with Papa

We spend a lot of time these days making Piglet laugh.  Both Andy and I have our tricks--Andy favors blowing on his belly.  It goes something like this:

Belly raspberry #1: "what the heck was that?"

Belly raspberry #2: "heh heh heh"

Belly raspberry #3:  "Ahh that tickles!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chobani and generosity rock my morning

If you are like me and think honey is the world's most perfect sweetner--the maybe you already know how delicious some greek yogurt, a little fruit and honey can be.  But, do you know about Chobani greek yogurt?  It is heaven, rich custardy texture and no fat--yummy!

Ok-enough of the breakfast tribute-- look at the cute stuff we got!

The cute socks are SmartWool and I won them!  Pamela over at
had a give-away and I won!  Along with the socks she sent a great Valentines mixed tape, some yummy chocolate and local apple butter! 

Piglet's got to hang out with Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Tom this weekend when they took us out for dinner.  Grandma Sherri made this cute sweater and got us a new outfit--Piglet's first 12M size!

Piglet models the sweater-in a blurry way.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is how Piglet greets me when I come home--

Are you hungry or just happy to see me?

Grandpa came to visit...

Grandpa was definately more excited than Piglet.

Grandpa is the only person Piglet knows who has facial hair, and Grandpa has a lot of it!  Piglet is kinda freaked out by the beard--

Thankfully, Grandpa is very cuddly and good with babies so after some getting-to-know-you-again time, Piglet warms up to him.

My own worst enemy

Last night at about 2:00 am I woke up to hear Piglet making noise over the baby monitor.  Operating on auto-pilot, I got up and went into Piglet's room and turned on the lamp that we have in there.  And what did I see when I turned on the lamp you ask?  Well, I saw Piglet, happily playing. I wish I had a rewind button--I should not have turned on that light!

Now, you should know that Piglet slept through the night on Monday.  I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to jinx it, but he slept from 9:30 pm to 5:00 am.  At 4:30 am Andy woke me up to ask if I'd been up with Piglet yet, and when I realized it was well after his usual wake-up time I was in Piglet's room in 1.5 seconds to make sure he was still breathing (which, of course, he was).  Not only was he sleeping, but he also did a houdini-style escape.  We lay Piglet on an inclined sleep wedge, so that he can't roll over onto his belly.  Normally, his arms are positioned over the two side wedges and it kind of pins him in place (it is very cozy), somehow he managed to wiggle down out of the wedge and then rotate 90 degrees--which is how I found him at 4:30 that day.

So, fast forward to last night, and I turn on the light and there is Piglet, happily playing with the wedge, having perfected the houdini escape.  Unfortuanly once he saw me there was no going back, he wanted to play.  So I changed his diaper, tried to nurse him (which he was not at all interested in), and ultimately ended up being awake with him about twice as long as I usually would had he woken up crying.

The moral of the story is this: when I wake up to the sounds of Piglet over the baby monitor I should assess whether he is playing with his new favorite toy (i.e. the sleep wedge) or if he is crying and actually is hungry.  I might have unintentionally disrupted our second full-night of sleep. Bad mama!

This cute lumberjack hat was a Christmas Present from Auntie!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sometimes "mom" is a hard job

It has been a rough couple of weeks for Piglet, and by extention, for me as well.  My happy, smiley, sweet boy has been fussy, cranky and clingy. 
Just when I start to feel frustrated, and then guilty for feeling frustrated, Piglet looks at me like this:

A split second look with those sweet brown eyes makes all the dirty diapers, extra laundry, baby puke, late nights, clingy days, missed showers, sleepless nights and crying spells totally worth it.
I love you little guy.

Having a baby changes everything

Even date night.
Auntie offered to watch Piglet for us so we could go out last Saturday night. We planned on going to a new movie theater,it has a VIP section where they serve food an wine. (I know, fancy-right?)

On the way to the theater, Andy and I had a really nice coversation about (gasp) something OTHER than Piglet.  The chat continuted as we waited in line to buy tickets and I was enjoying it so much that I told Andy I didn't want to go to the movie anymore.  So we didn't.

The theater we went too is in a new shopping complex, so we went out (into the cold!) to walk around.  We found a toy store, creative kidstuff, and went in.  I kid you not, we spent an hour in there!  Now Andy and I have been known to spend a little time in a toy store, but this was different.

We started in the "big kid" toys and imagined Piglet playing with the kites, toxin-free sculpting clay, the sleds and science projects.  We talked about teaching him to rollerblade, building with blocks and learning what sports he has a talent for or interest in.

After a while we made our way to the infant toys and Andy found a fun little do-hicky that we decided to get Piglet.  It is made by one of my favorite tow makers--the Manhattan Toy Co. (who are actually based in Mpls).  Here are some shots of Piglet checking it out.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready, set ... roll?

Piglet is not there yet, but it does not stop him from trying.
Getting up on his side is his specialty.

But he would rather make faces at Mama than practice

Or practice raspberries

I'll give it another try

Uff da-- time for a break

Croup, RSV and an ear infection, Oh My!

And a yeast infection and laryngitis to boot!

Poor little guy has not been feeling well lately,
as a result he has been doing a lot of this:

And while he sleeps, I've done some of this:

Because he was having trouble breathing we were at the hospital for the 4th time in his short 4 months
(the first being when he was born--does that count?)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The toy-in-mouth phase

These days, Piglet's "play" mostly involves putting toys in his mouth.
Recently I got him a new toy,
 and had my camera at hand as he checked it out.

At first he's a little indifferent,
and way more interested in what is on the television.

Once he decides to check it out--he is not so sure.

Note the intense concentration:

Mama, I don't think this is going to work.

Step one: bring toy to mouth.

Step two: try again.

I don't like this stupid toy anyway!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A note from Piglet.

I think my papa is amusing.

Actually, I think he is pretty funny.

Scratch that, Papa is downright hilarious!

At three months Piglet...

coos, babbles and sings--especially to his mobile which is still his favorite toy,
is still not to sure about being on his tummy,
had his first belly laugh and chuckles often,
loves to play with Papa and cuddle with Mama,
sleeps abut 5 hours at night before waking up to eat,
sits up well on his own with a little support,

has dark, dark brown eyes,
loves to hold his toys and put them in his mouth,
wants to hold a hand or the bottle when eating,
watches us intensley and lights up with a smile when we look at him,
drools a lot,
has not gotten the hang of his bouncer yet,

likes to stick out his tounge and blow spit bubbles,
can scoot on his back by kicking his legs, and
Piglet is a huge flirt!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Piglet is such a good baby!

Piglet hardly cries at all anymore--and he can be put in his swing or bouncer for up to 30 minutes and will happily entertain himself. 
We got him a mobile with some colorful animals that he just loves.  If I put him in his crib and turn it on he talks to it.  Non-stop.
There is also a mobile on his swing.
He thinks its neat.

Piglet was especially smiley so I tried to snap some pictures of his big grin, but I was unsuccessful. 
Here are some more shots of his--very serious--camera face.

We went and visited Grandma Betsy last weekend--but we forgot the camera.  Doh!
Piglet thought she was pretty funny, maybe its a good thing I didn't bring the camera--he might not have smiled for her if I did!
Grandma was impressed with what a good Baby Piglet was, when he got tired just laid him down on her bed, and we went right to sleep.  He even slept while Grandma, Auntie and I cheered for the Vikings.

Two months old!

Now that he is two months old,
Piglet is really good at holding his head up.  See--
(The cute turkey hat and bib were a First Thanksgiving gift from my Aunt Jan--Thanks!)

Piglet has found his voice and will sing to Papa and I.
And--if we don't pay enough attention he will yell. 
It goes something like this:
Aaaagooooo. Aaageee. Brrrrrrahhhh. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.  AH! AH!

And tummy time?  He hates it.

It may look like Piglet is sleeping peacefully, he is not.
He has just given up.

Piglet continues to smile alot, but refuses to smile for the camera. Apparently, the camera is to be taken very seriously.

Look at that belly!  As a breast-feeding mama I'm very proud. 
He was at the 80th percentile for weight at his six-wee check-up.  On a sad note, Piglet has a hernia that he needs to have repaired.  We were referred to a pediatric urologist. 
I didn't even know there was such a thing.