If you are like me and think honey is the world's most perfect sweetner--the maybe you already know how delicious some greek yogurt, a little fruit and honey can be. But, do you know about Chobani greek yogurt? It is heaven, rich custardy texture and no fat--yummy!
Ok-enough of the breakfast tribute-- look at the cute stuff we got!
The cute socks are SmartWool and I won them! Pamela over at http://allweneedisamor.blogspot.com/
had a give-away and I won! Along with the socks she sent a great Valentines mixed tape, some yummy chocolate and local apple butter!
Piglet's got to hang out with Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Tom this weekend when they took us out for dinner. Grandma Sherri made this cute sweater and got us a new outfit--Piglet's first 12M size!
Piglet models the sweater-in a blurry way.
hooray! so glad you got them! and they look great on you, i might add. :)